Tuesday, May 12, 2009


^HunTer PrinCess^

(I still need to edit it though; this is just a rough draft; manuscript)
`PLeaSe dOn't expect much.. hehe`

In the past few years, our world suffered a horrible faith. Demons that was locked up in hell has escaped all over the world and is disguised as humans. The demon that freed all the demons created the demon council. She is the powerful of them all, she destroyed the nondestructive demon jail. Now, with the help of all the demons, she has come to take over the human world and also kill all those who get in her way.
The D.H.S., or the Demon Hunting Society, was formed by a top secret organization that captures and exterminates all demon that escaped or that is born. For hundreds of years up until now, the most powerful hunters, that had seized and executed over a thousand demons, is the world's famous, Shizuka and Kuramoto family. The alliance they had for generations, reduced the populations of demons all over the world. Their partnership with each other holds a strong bond that is unstoppable.

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