Friday, March 5, 2010
unseem memories idea number 2!!!
"Hey Mae!" shin shouted.
"Yo" daisuke said.
"hello," keishin greeted.
Mae glanced up and saw them waving at her. "oh hello," she replied with a smile.
Shin quickly ran to her and reached out both of his arms. "can i get a hug?" he asked her.
Mae grinned, "sure." she reached for him and wrapped her arms around his neck then let go. keishin came behind shin asking if he could get one too and mae reached out for him but shin tried to stop them. However, shin failed and keishin got a hug from her.
As they walk through the valley, keishin didn't let go of mae and still had his arm around her. Mae blushed and asked him, "what are you doing?" although he didn't reply so she assumed he didn't hear it and just looked at Emi with her pet dragon on her arms. keishin glanced at Mae which clearly din't paid attention to him so he let her go.
mae felt awkwardness as she walked beside keishin that was being aroused by shin which she rarely noticed. They only walked for a few minutes after coming to crossway that looked like an L.
keishin asked, "so which way do you go?"
Mae replied in a tone that made her seem she didn't care, "oh i got to the right."
keishin's face was struck with disappointment. "aww that's too bad. we go the other way."
Mae and keishin hugged again as they said their good-byes. Then they went on separated.
Mae looked at the other way to see if keishin was looking at her and suddenly looked away with what answered her question. she can still feel his gaze upon her shoulders but she didnt look back again afraid that he might notice her blushing face. She distracted herself by talking to Emi. Mae tried to sound normal as possible. Once they were inside the trees, she sighed in relief then smiled cheerfully.
thank you ^.^
(im too lazy to color code it )
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Unseen Memories preview
Color Coding :
Shin - Red
Daisuke - Blue
Mae - Green
Neutral - Black
They all came out the game room after the match. Shin looked at Daisuke suspiciously as if he cheated his way out of the game. He kept thinking the actions Daisuke did. It was inhuman for such a person like him.
"Why did you even do it?" Shin asked rudely.
"Because I love her." Daisuke replied.
Mae's face suddenly flashed red all over.
"What?! That's not fair! I do too!!!" Shin retorted.
"Yes but I won"
Shin was left speechless and annoyed at Daisuke. How could have he beaten the Ace he thought. After much thinking, he gave up and stared at Mae's still blushing face.
"What is it?" she asked shyly.
"Do you like him?"
Mae's face got redder than a tomato. ""
Shin focused very closely at Mae that she was forced to look the other way. "Well, that doesn't seem like it."
"Teasing her much Shin?" Daisuke interfered.
"Your not part of this conversation!!" Shin shouted angrily then sighed. "Well, do you?"
As Mae was about to speak, Daisuke pulled her arm close to him and abruptly kissed her cheek. Mae exploded from embarrassment and stood there like a rock. Shin's mouth dropped wide open at the sight of this. His face slowly turning ashen.
"Aww how cute." Daisuke remarked.
BLC© thank you!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
My story :)
i have decided that my new story should be named that.
i also changed the story.
its now about a princess that accidentally fell in the human world and lost all her memories when she and her brother was trying to escape the guards that were trying to kill her.
for about 5 years they lived in the human world, her brother suddenly disappears.
after 3 weeks, Shin arrived. it is said that he is a loyal knight of their family in the "other world" (unnamed.. don't know)
he forcefully takes her to the "other world" and makes her remember her past
the other world doors consist of 3 doors.
the 1st door they go through is the 3rd door, then the 2nd then the very last is the 1st.
many different characters are found in each door and they are a very big part of the other world.
in the 2nd door, Mae (my character) finds the guy named Daisuke that is supposed to be her fiancé. he is also a knight and a very loyal friend of their family.
she stays in the other world for some years and very much remember most of her past.
at the end however, the dictator in the 1st door makes Mae remember a past that is very anguishing to her.
the royal family in the other world have this power that can only obtained when they are either passed on to the next generation or when the last generation was killed and the power has to be passed on to the next successor.
the dictator that killed Mae's parents wanted that power because he was skipped during his generation.
in the royal family, each sibling gets a little power. however not all gets it. if your a sibling of 2, the oldest gets the power or the oldest gives it to the youngest. in a sibling of 3, only 2 gets the power and the 3rd one is skipped.
the dictator was one of the youngest son of 3 and he was skipped. he wished for vengeance for a very long time and cursed his family. he always wanted the power when both of his siblings didn't. yet, he did not get it.
Rin, being the very latest princess (she is also named as Mae because of her memory loss), has the strongest power from all of the generation's wisdoms. Her name R.I.N. is the name of the very first generation of the royal family bloodline.
since she has a brother, he must give him his power because in faith, she is the one that will save the human world from its destruction.
thank you ^w^
this is BLC©
Sunday, October 11, 2009
once in a moment~
a person realizes his/her thoughts..
its usually happened later in their age..
when they can't find where they belong.
i don't know why it has already happened to me..
on such a young age..
i don't know what i might be..
I'm already disgraced...
in the daylight, i smile happily as i can be..
but at nightfall, i cry myself to sleep..
my eyes sparkles on every happy days..
yet i see scary things, before my slumber..
i still wonder why i developed in advance..
i don't like the feel of it..
but i know for once in a moment..
you would feel you don't know yourself.
Friday, October 9, 2009
WOOTS! its my 13th b-day :D
hehe it was fun.. ^w^ yes.. that is it..
oh yeah.. i'm writing a new story.. its called.. idk.. its not named yet
in which she remembers everything about the past and since its not connected to the human world, she recovers all her abilities and saves him. after that the entrace to the other world (which is a cave btw) turns into a golden gate full of flowers and where sunlight never disappears.. soon the people in the human world discovers the unseen "other world" and the 2 worlds connect to make earth. :D
any good? coz i made my friend read the first part of it and she suddenly got interested and even abuse me to write more since i'm a lazy ass girl.. ahahahaha
peace out ~
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
(I still need to edit it though; this is just a rough draft; manuscript)
`PLeaSe dOn't expect much.. hehe`
The Shizuka family has a powerful weapon many people call,"Legendary Flame." It is indestructible and can kill any demon or bad spirit, even if it is ten times powerful than any ordinary hunter. The problem is that the only Shizuka family member that hold that power is whom the Legendary Flame had chosen for its master. Many people believe that the Legendary Flame is only a myth, since its last holder was the great Charice Shizuka. She lived 5 million years ago and she was the person who locked all the demons, in the secret H.S. jail. Now, few people still wonder what has happened to the Legendary Flame since it's last appearance.
pls. don't steal my story~