Sunday, October 11, 2009

once in a moment~

once in a moment..
a person realizes his/her thoughts..
its usually happened later in their age..
when they can't find where they belong.

i don't know why it has already happened to me..
on such a young age..
i don't know what i might be..
I'm already disgraced...

in the daylight, i smile happily as i can be..
but at nightfall, i cry myself to sleep..
my eyes sparkles on every happy days..
yet i see scary things, before my slumber..

i still wonder why i developed in advance..
i don't like the feel of it..
but i know for once in a moment..
you would feel you don't know yourself.

Friday, October 9, 2009

WOOTS! its my 13th b-day :D

yup yupz :D

hehe it was fun.. ^w^ yes.. that is it..

oh yeah.. i'm writing a new story.. its called.. idk.. its not named yet

but its about a girl named Mae which is a princess from the other world that went to the human world by accident and lost all her memories.. after 3 years (she's 12 now) she meets this guy named Shin and takes her back to the other world.. since she lost her memories, Shin is now touring her around the world to remember it.. along the way they meet troubles caused by the dictator (her family got murdered and she is the only survivor.. if you ever have watched romeoxjuliet anime it is like this.. but completely different.. i'm just saying SPOiLER: that its like when the montague killed the capulets juliet is the only survivor) which is the ruler of the other world.. in the story.. Shin mentions that he owns the "other world" but that only means that he is going to be the heir of the crown because him and Mae are already engaged since birth.
in the end of the story, when Shin reaches the brink of death..
the old Mae comes to the "new mae" and they just join together and become the alternate "mae"
in which she remembers everything about the past and since its not connected to the human world, she recovers all her abilities and saves him. after that the entrace to the other world (which is a cave btw) turns into a golden gate full of flowers and where sunlight never disappears.. soon the people in the human world discovers the unseen "other world" and the 2 worlds connect to make earth. :D

any good? coz i made my friend read the first part of it and she suddenly got interested and even abuse me to write more since i'm a lazy ass girl.. ahahahaha

peace out ~